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Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.

Sweden continues to support Ukraine’s energy supply and resilience


The Government has decided that Svenska kraftnät, Sweden’s power grid authority, may provide backup power generators to Ukraine, to support the country’s energy supply.

This transfer involves 13 diesel-powered backup power generators that were to be replaced in 2024, according to the Svenska kraftnät’s maintenance plan. Instead of being disposed of or stored in a spare parts warehouse, the backup power generators will be donated to Ukraine and used there. Regularly checking surplus material during maintenance and reinvestment is a sustainable way to support Ukraine.

“Sweden will continue to support Ukraine and its people for as long as it takes. Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s energy supply have been very extensive and the coming winter will be difficult. The transfer of 13 diesel-powered backup power generators from Svenska kraftnät will make a difference. They will, for example be able to supply a hospital with electricity or be used in the electricity system itself to better handle disruptions,” says Minister for Energy, Business and Industry Ebba Busch.

“Today’s announcement is a further step in the Government’s priorities for support to Ukraine. This is a concrete example of how Swedish support will contribute to the hard-pressed energy infrastructure and heat Ukrainian homes this winter,” says Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell.


In May 2024, Sweden decided on a new energy package to Ukraine amounting to SEK 650 million. This support consists of SEK 500 million to the Energy Community’s Ukraine Energy Support Fund and SEK 150 million via the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Press contact

Dan Jormvik
Press Secretary to Minister for Energy, Business and Industry Ebba Busch
Phone +45 8 405 10 00
Mobile +46 76 318 65 75
email to Dan Jormvik, via senior registry clerk
Anna Ståhlgren Nislander
Political Adviser to Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.
